Stal Bjirmen



"Bjirmen" is a small stud of Dutch Welsh Riding Ponies (NWR). Dutch Welsh Riding Ponies are Welsh Part-Breds with a minimum of 25% registered Welsh blood, out of crosses with accredited English Thoroughbred, Arabian or Anglo-Arabian. Our aim is to breed riding ponies with a true Welsh Mountain look. We use stallions from German Riding Pony studbooks as well. Recently, section B fillies are added to our breeding program.

Our ponies are able to perform at the highest levels of sport. In recent years some of our bred has been very successful on Shows and (inter)national Dressage and Jumping competitions.

Our founding mare is Kooihúster Wietske. She is a daughter to the well-known mare Kooihúster Ytsje (keur, elite) and to the most influential stallion Downland Folklore (elite, prestatie). Wietske is a half-sister to the stud-stallion and FEI dressage and show-jumping riding pony Kooihúster Teake (known also as Take it Easy) who is now in France. As a strong, healthy broodmare Kooihúster Wietske is very prolific. Wietske has bred 14 colts and 5 fillies. Several of them perform at the FEI level of dressage.

Wietske represents the third generation of elite-mars of the Kooihúster stud. Both her mother Kooihúster Ytsje and her grandmother Atje are graded ‚elite’. Such a successful mare-line is unique within the Welsh Riding Pony Section of the NWPCS.



In recent years, many Bjirmen-ponies were sold abroad (France, Italy, UK, US, Denmark, Finland, Sweden). They are performing both in dressage and show-jumping.

  • Bjirmen’s Aize (s. Morgenlands Fabian, d. Speyksbosch Harmony). Show Jumping, France
  • Bjirmen’s Falco (s. Jacobspeel’s Rocky, d. Kooihúster Wietske). International Show jumping, Brons medal BSA UK; Approved stallion, Germany
  • Bjirmen’s Hylke (s. Wengelo’s Ricardo, d. Kooihúster Nynke). Studbook stallion, Denmark
  • Bjirmen’s Jasper (s. Aester el Nino, d. Speyksbosch Harmony). Z1 dressage, o.a. KNHS Regiokampioenschappen Friesland 2011
  • Bjirmen’s Jeltsje (s. Orchard Red prince, d. Kooihúster Wietske), keur
  • Bjirmen’s Jelte (s. Orchard Boginov, d. Kooihúster Wietske). M2 dressage. Reserve Champion KNHS Regiokampioenschap Groningen, M2 voor D/E; Champion M1 dressage, KNHS Regiokampioenschappen Groningen - selected for National Championship
  • Bjirmen’s Jubel (s. FS Dior de Luxe, d. Bjirmen’s Jeltsje), gelding. Currently in germany is riding pony.
  • Bjirmen’s Jurjen (s. Leunsveld Elegant, d. Kooihúster Wietske); Z1 dressage. National Dressage (2014);
  • Bjirmen’s Maaike (s. De Goede Ree Now or Never, d. Kooihúster Wietske). Bronse medailist, National Show, Danmark.
  • Bjirmen’s Oane (s. Leunsveld Elegant, d. Kooihúster Wietske). FEI international dressage, France
  • Bjirmen’s Rinze (s. Beukenhof’s Jordy, d. Bjirmen’s Jildou). Z2 dressage, a.o. KNHS Regiokampioenschappen Noord-Holland 2011, res. Champion, CHIO Assen, 2011, ZZ Light horses. Intermediaire I (as of 2013)
  • Bjirmen’s Tsjalling (s. Leunsveld Elegant, d. Kooihúster Wietske). FEI dressage, member French national team, EC in Italy
  • Bjirmen’s Wiggele (s. Anjershof Rocky, d. Kooihúster Wietske). National, cross country, Italy; FEI international dressage
  • Bjirmen’s Wytse (s. Vita Nova’s Hanassie, d. Kooihúster Wietske); Studbook approved stallion (NWPCS); Preferent, sport; FEI Dressage; Member national team UK, competing EC in Poland.